Congratulations Graduates!!! You have accomplished one of your first great milestones in life! You have worked hard in school over these past 12 (or 16) years and now you commence a new stage of life. Sadly, the end of this experience was cut off abruptly and for the ‘Class of 2020’ things look very different than it did for most other graduating classes. However, you are resilient enough to create new opportunities and experiences that will reveal your character for years to come. Don’t give up. Don’t give out nor give in. Makes something good out of this challenging situation and shine brightly for the sake of those losing hope. The older generation is depending upon you to help make this world, this nation and the kingdom of God free, prosperous and just. Hold fast to Jesus and His word for it is there you will find not only the truth, but righteousness and good as well. May you find comfort and peace IN Him and may you always delight in His presence.
As we continue this series on “Why Don’t You Believe?”, we have here another possible obstacle as to why some loose their faith in the Lord. Going away to college can be exciting, daunting, frightening and very frustrating all at the same time. Beginning college while living at home or on campus has many challenges, more than simply the demands of higher education. These trials, which a believer most likely will face, can seem overwhelming, for that is their design. Satan will attack and disrupt the life of God’s children anywhere and anyway possible. The college campus is no exception, rather it’s a crucial part of his evil plan. The faith of christian college students will be tested and tried by those once trusted to guide and mould in truth and righteousness. Professors, teachers, counselors, and administrators in large part are being used to dissuade the faithful from their stand in Christ to a worldly view, resulting in lost or rejected faith. I categorize these emissaries of darkness into three groups. First are the “Know it All’s, or the teachers who are never wrong. It’s their way or the highway. Write the answer they want or you will fail. All other opinions and positions, even evidence based, matter not. They are god. Next you will encounter the “Think it All’s”. These are the world view philosophers who hold secularism, humanism, atheism and any other “ism’s” as god. Your faith in the invisible creator is, to them, childish and nothing more than fantasy. They will never take a believer seriously. 1Corinthians 1:19 “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the cleverness of the clever I will set aside.” Lastly, and just as devious, are the “Do it All’s”. Those who proclaim that college is the time for you to “really live it up!”. To “try new things”. This is the “eat drink and be merry” crowd, who lack in self control and excel in selfishness. They will pressure you into letting loose, having fun and experience unbridled freedom. Ego is their god. These temptations and trials are very real, but God has blessed you with His power and guidance to overcome these stumbling blocks. I encourage you to “Talk”, and keep “Talking” throughout these next 4 years. First, Talk with God. Pray, at all times. Read His word and devote yourself to spending time with Him. He will lead and guide with the greatest power known to mankind, His Holy Spirit. Secondly, Talk with your Parents. They love you and want the best for you. Include them in your life, your adventures, your struggles and victories. They truly care about you. Thirdly, Talk with your Preacher or other church leader. Share difficulties. Seek Biblical guidance. Share confrontations and gain Biblical perspective. Lastly, Talk with recent college grads who have remained faithful to the Lord. Find out how they dealt with situations. Know you are not alone in this stage of life. Many have done this before you and may have great advice. The church loves you and prays for your steadfastness in the Lord. Remember, an education is precious and highly valued, but keeping your name written in the book of life pales in comparison. “Don’t Stop Believing”
April 2022
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