In the wake of yet another tragedy where innocent human life has been taken by an individual characterized as mentally deranged, disturbed and self abusive, the safety of our public school children and our peaceful society is now more than ever under assault. How did our country, known for it’s freedom and peace get to a point where children fear being shot in what should be among the safest places? Since 2013, there have been nearly 300 school shootings in America — that’s an average of about one a week. Are we becoming a nation spiraling out of control? How did this evil get such a foothold? What are we to do about it? Sit ins, hashtags and protests will not effectively change anything. Only by a change of attitude in favor of the will of God, as revealed in the Bible, will society be able to make a profound difference in protecting, nurturing and promoting goodness among its citizens. Evil will always exist among us, however, the greater the commitment to the will of God, the less influence evil has over the population. People must first learn self control and be encouraged to practice greater self control as defined by the Bible. David showed great self control and restraint as he stood, spear in his hand, over his adversary king Saul, while he slept. David’s closest confidant urged permission to kill the king. David replied, “…who can stretch out his hand against the Lord’s anointed and be without guilt?”, “The Lord forbid that I should stretch out my hand …”. David had many reasons to take Saul’s life, however, David’s self control originated in his love for God and in his honoring the will of God. He knew that God would exhibit justice toward Saul. David would not interfere. To do so on his own terms would make him just as guilty as Saul. When a man loves the Lord for what He has done, he welcomes the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit as God promised. He longs for the influence of the word of God and grows in his desire to live as Christ, doing that which is good and Holy and righteous. Guns, knives, bombs and even vehicles do not kill people. Out of control people kill people. Our governing authorities must promote and encourage submission to God through His word. We must once again, as a nation, exalt the Name of Jesus and seek to do His will. God inspired self control is manifested as love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness and is only possible through the working of God in us, which is the fruit of being led by His Spirit. Go make disciples.
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