“Where is the One who has been born King of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”(Luke2:1) What possessed foreign academics to travel hundreds of miles west to the troubled, Roman city of Jerusalem, in order to pay honor and respect to a new born, baby king no one had even heard of? Why were they ready and willing to bow before this baby, lowing themselves to the ground, even kissing the earth before the child, as an act submission and reverence to the one they believed to be far greater than they? Simply remarkable. This band of learned men, philosophers and cosmologists, traveled a great distance to worship this unknown king. Simply put, men of science, acting by faith. Simply counterintuitive. Here we find another example of the power of the sovereign God. When men, whether wise or simple, recognize God, consider His will and come to a desire to know His Messiah, the result is worship; pure, contrite, venerated worship, in spirit and truth. His kingly reign is so powerful, so influential that the greatest of world leaders to the humblest of paupers have given everything to worship Him. Make certain that this is what you do, from your heart. Worship Him. And not just on one special day or month each year. Worship Him every day of the rest of your life. Worship Jesus from your heart, wherever you are and whenever you think about Him. Jesus is our entire life. This may seem remarkable or counterintuitive, even absurd. However, all of heaven knows Him and worships Him (see Revelation4-5) and if we want to be with Him there, in eternal life, then worship must begin now! He alone is worthy, He alone rules the nations, for His kingdom is superior over all others. “My kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36) His kingdom, which is His church, is a different kind of kingdom. Matthew 13 gives us seven unique characteristics of the kingdom of Christ. 1. The subjects of His kingdom exist alongside those who are not part of His kingdom in hopes they will become believers before the judgement. 2. His kingdom begins very small but quickly impacts the entire world. 3. The world will be transformed by the effects of His kingdom, from within itself. 4. Nothing is greater in value. 5. It is worth giving up all worldy things to obtain HIs kingdom. 6. His kingdom is exclusive to those who obey yet available for any who wish to obey. 7. Disciples in His kingdom enjoy wonderful blessings in heaven and on the earth. The kingdom of Christ is all powerful, yet full of peace, Holy yet full of grace, righteous yet full of love. It seems the wise men understood this and did all they could to worship the new born King. Will you?
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