The Pew Research center reports that over the past 10 years the number of atheists in
America has more than doubled. This brings to mind John 4:35, “....the fields... are white for harvest.” Every generation, every age, every culture needs the gospel preached, for it is the truth, the way and the life for all men. All men will die, and then comes the judgment. We continue this series discussing reasons why people do not believe Jesus nor in Jesus. Our desire is that all people would believe Jesus, and are born again, added to His kingdom, and that they would live according to His word for His glory, in order to know the grace and peace of God. However, many refuse to love Him today just as many rejected Him when He lived among men. John 6:66 “many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore.” So we wonder, why is it that most “do not believe”? One possibility is that most men only believe in what they can see. Last month’s article, sub titled “Houdini or Holy Spirit”, discussed the challenges with believing in miracles, such as; water turning into wine, oceans parting, donkeys talking, sick being healed, and of course the dead rising. Miracles present a true obstacle to faith, but can be reasonably answered. The text of this article discloses a problem all ages must deal with. We will call them the “complicated questions”. Not that they do not deserve a response, but that they are difficult to believe without a correct and full understanding of who Jesus is. Questions like: If God’s creation was so good, why is there so much evil?” or “What about evolution and dinosaurs?”or “Why would a loving Good send so many to hell?”. Jesus encountered complicated questions such as these. As recorded in John 6:41, Jesus continues with a conversation about how a christian believes and behaves. He said in :47, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life.” This is a comparison of the heavenly manna that fed all Israel for 40 years to His own body that would save all mankind who believed in Him. He concluded with the warning that we must eat of His flesh, “...the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh.” A very complicated teaching, resulted in this question, “How can this man give us His flesh to eat?” Please understand the Bible does not advocate cannibalism. Thats disgusting! However, Jesus continues, “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” (:54) No wonder why many said, “This is a difficult statement; who can listen to it?” and, “As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore.” Here is a clear case of people losing their faith in Jesus, those who at one time were walking with Him! Why do you not believe? Sometimes because the questions are too complicated. Four questions arise from reading verse :53. Jesus is giving us a command, with these words, “Unless you...”, a special condition that we chose to obey or reject. One may ask, “What if I don’t ?” Next He says, “ have no life in yourselves.” Wait! Am I not alive? I feel alive, I act alive! How am I not alive? Thirdly He says if I do this yucky thing I will have “eternal life”. I thought all good people go to heaven? And lastly, a “last day..”. Are you saying all things will come to an end? Isn’t that some sort of conspiracy theory? Yes, these are complicated questions. No wonder many of Jesus’ disciples lost their faith, and sadly “withdrew” from Him. They blame unanswered, difficult and problematic questions. However, consider that the sovereign God of creation understands all things, especially your heart. Your questions that seem to not have a reasonable answer, do not invalidate the existence of God. He has “...chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the that no man may boast before God.” Develop a mature belief in Him, believe with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, and these things will be revealed to you. Simply listen to Him.
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